Blog Entry #77

I went into a upload picture craze... so... I have about 7 pictures on my desktop... just waiting to be uploaded ^^ I'm so happy, cause I think they're great pictures ^^ ((Don't be afraid to tell me if they aren't, I can take it ^^ I'm a big girl))

Oh! And I have to tell you about the story about me losing my phone... it's quite entertaining...

I was down in Miami, and we were going from garage sale to garage sale to find a new couch for our summer home down there. I stayed in the car most of the time... but I did get out to go to a dollar store, one garage sale, and a big lots store.

Well we stopped at one garage sale, and well... I got out to look at some DVD's, and I realized that I didn't have my phone on me, so I went back to the car to go and see if I had left it in there. At first, I wasn't so worried so I just calmly looked for it... but then... I couldn't find it.. and I started spazzing...

So well, I freaked my mom out and we looked at all of the places we had been, and to no success... so... we went to my other brothers apartment... and my mom picked up this box of reese's pieces I was eating...

The phone was inside the box... *Shot, nuked, brick'd, bombed, dead* FAIL.
