Blog Entry #88

I've got big news! I know you people don't know the people I'm talking about... but I'm still happy for them!

My cousin and his girlfriend got married! They had the wedding today, as well as the baby shower! ^^ There's going to be another girl in our family in less than two weeks, I'm so excited. The babies older brother (no relation to me) is utterly cute, and I'm betting you little Rylee is going to be the same. Isn't that a cute name? I love Emily, she may be like... 9 months pregnant, but she's still as lively as ever. And her body hasn't changed much! I'm so jealous, my mom looks... TERRIBLE from giving birth to me and my brothers, UGGGHH. I'm probably going to do the same thing... *Prays that she has a tiny-ish baby.*

I'm still so excited... you may not have guessed it... but I have a big thing on babies... I love them to pieces, their energy, their cute little faces, the little sounds they make... makes me just want to go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! ^^ Which I have, can't wait for Rylee, she's going to be beautiful ^^
