Blog Entry #92

Hey everyone! I want to change the theme to my blog, but I want to know which Anime I should do, which colour scheme I should use, and on top of that, the COLOUR IN GENERAL. Or if I should just go Vintage, message me! I need help!

But other than that... well... I have a second cousin! She was born on Wednesday, and she's so cute, looks just like my cousin ^_^, her name is Rylee, and she again... is uber adorable! >~< I can't wait to meet her. And! On top of everything else! *Giggles* Yeah, get this! My brother moved away and everything to escape the law right... you're going to find this really hilarious...

He got arrested, again! This time... *giggles* Not for what he did up here... no no no... much more elaborate than that, he doesn't do the same trick twice you know? He beat his fiancee. My soon to be sister-in-law? And... pffft... he's popping pills! A-GAIN! *scoffs* My brother is so smart! I want to be like him someday! ^_^ And if you don't get exactly what I'm saying right here, you deserve to be alone for the rest of your life.

I'll talk to you guys later! IM me, you know the SN! ^_^
