Better days

Wow, I was such a wreck the other week :/ It's kind of crazy x___x But I'm feeling so much better. I think it's because of this one song I found from the band, Say Anything, which I really like... I might link it later, maybe note ;)

OH. And I've been meaning to update the link to my fancard on my world but I need Luna's okay of the new card first :/ I love her new cards I really do... but I REALLY like the one I made *_* But I need to update it anyway because Mr. Wolf Demon had to go and promote me! [Ugghh, RUDE. Jk XD] Aaaaaaaand my computer is finally half-way functional so I can start posting in my "Take Note" world and I miss that world... It made me feel so damn calm! ;___; Maybe that's why I've been so anxious lately... because my lack of making fun of demographics publicly D: I miss my sarcastic posts! >.<

Song, right ^_^
