The 5's Meme

5 Nicknames (Only one is slightly funny):

* Alex
* Sexy
* Puppet
* Mistress
* Muppet Princess [XD Thank you Dragon warrior, it stuck]

5 Best Friends:

* Katie
* Felix
* Deena
* Lyndy
* Chee

5 Enemies:

* Sanity
* Ze Bitch
* My Stairs
* Arthur from Warcraft III
* My computer

5 Generic Things About You:

* I'm hard to please and easy to hate
* I can lie and get away with it
* I will never be a drunk (my stomach can't take any form of toxins)
* Don't get between me and The Mentalist or House
* I watch movies at least 3 times, one to get the gist, another to see if I like it, and a third to make a critical analysis of it

5 Features About Your Face:

* My eyes are either Dark Brown or Gold
* I have "luscious" Italian lips
* My left cheek bone is covered in a thick calcium deposit that makes it bigger than the other from when I got a black eye/cheek
* I have nice bushy eyebrows that aren't plucked except for the inner corners
* It looks like I'm always wearing eye-liner

5 Physical Features you like about yourself:

* My curves, I'm not a skeleton
* My rump
* The little point I have to my ears
* I'm not too short, not too tall
* Tough, resistant feet

5 Physical Features You Hate About Yourself:

* Purple hands due to poor circulation and lack of eating
* Crooked nose. I got hit a lot
* My knees, permanent scarring on each.
* I'm Italian, and therefore very hairy
* My mental disorders

5 Random Facts About You:

* I know every line of the Numa-Numa song and proud of it
* I'm a non-radical Anarchist
* I've been electrocuted, but not by anything that would kill me
* I've gotten along with all of my high school science teachers
* I tend to mess with people

5 Things About Your Personality:

* I don't forgive
* Niceness is a gift, not a right
* (Realizing I put the same exact thing that was here on Saku's as my number one, I laughed) I'm pretty humble
* I'm a simple person, I get pleasure out of simple things (side-walk chalk, staple guns, etc. etc.)
* I tend to be very sarcastic, no matter what

5 Colors You Like:

* Purple
* Electric Blue
* Orange
* Gray
* Onyx

5 Foods You Like:

* Corn on the cob
* Frozen raspberries
* Parfait
* Manzanilla Olives
* Grits

5 Bands You Like:

* O-Zone
* Linkin Park
* Say Anything
* The Decemberists
* Good Charlotte (90's)

5 Scents You Like:

* Rose
* Cherry Blossom
* Guitars
* Old Books
* Spring

5 Movies You Like:

* The Illusionist
* Ryan and Sean's Epic Adventure
* Treasure Planet
* Prince of Egypt
* El Dorado

5 Celebrities You Like:

* Hugh Laurie
* Simon Baker
* Jesse Spencer
* Edward Norton
* Ellen Page

5 Things About Your Best Friend:

* Falls down a lot
* Manages to make me choke on whatever I'm eating with her jokes
* Shares everything with me
* Sings like an angel
* Can't handle stress well =/

5 Things About Your Crush:

* Doesn't exist
* Never will
* So why
* Write
* About it?

5 Hobbies:

* Dancing
* Walling
* Listening to odd Romanian songs
* Pointing and laughing
* Snarking in Chat

5 Talents:

* Drawing
* Dreaming
* Playing the Piano
* Walling (According to my friends, I'm great at it :x)
* Blowing your mind <3

To those who want to do this, go right ahead.

One of those odd Romanian songs
