Out of the Closet.

I haven't posted in a while and a lot has happened so I thought I should post for those who actually care what's going on in my life 8D how about I start at the beginning? Which is me failing Advanced Algebra. Yeah... yikes... I failed the marking period with a 20 something... it was REALLY bad but I was tired of pretending that the class was worth something. Advanced Algebra is a load of bull and half way through the year I figured out it was actually Trigonometry, I actually wanted an advanced Algebra class! The stuff they taught us in that class was actually relevant to everyday life... oh well, I'll have to take it again next year.

Next on my list of... stuff, I have me coming out of the closet to my friends! :D I'm a full bisexual now, and I'm proud! My friends weren't that weird about it like I thought they'd be... especially since they were sleeping over and they were both girls... but I digress.

And after this, I went to a party... that I did not know had cigars, cigarettes, weed, and alcohol. I did drink a little bit... it was Blood Orange soda with a tad smidgen of tequila, so it wasn't that bad! At the party, I completely came out of the closet... my friend Corey is also bi, mostly lesbian though and she kissed me... my first kiss. (With a girl, I still need the guy one) I got a little tipsy after that and we kissed throughout the night and now she has a crush on me... crap. She has a boyfriend too. Also, I didn't do anything at the party, no smoking of anything... but Chey did give me a nice big wet one after smoking an entire bowl of weed... lovely friends aren't they? I think I got a little secondhand high, but nothing too serious. (Though my friend Russell kept pressuring me to do something, but I couldn't. I had to go home in an hour and pot smells nasty.) The day aaaaaaaaaaafter though, I was blowing soot out of my shnozzle. It was sort of gross...

That's pretty much all that has happened to me... I'm going out for Thai this weekend! WEEEEEE! And it is nearly 90 degrees Fahrenheit and my mother wants me to go to the library ;~; TOO HOT.

I also discovered this kick ass band.
