Welcome to my newest world, my dream blog.

So a couple of things about my dreams:
I am a very elaborate dreamer. My dreams are normally on the long side and have lots of random side facts that I seem to always remember. And my dreams are super strange and random. I can't remember a time when I had a serious dream. But that’s the fun part, being a random dreamer.

So I thought I would start this because maybe some of you would get enjoyment out of my dreams. Or maybe some of you have a dream book or know things about dreams and you could tell me what I’m really dreaming about. But even if this world gets no views I’ll still keep it because I kinda want to remember these dreams.


lolz what a creepy title. I don't like that word very much, brains, it freaks me out. lolz But if you just say brain then that’s okay. lolz is weird.

Well anywho I was just watching this show on the scfi channel about the human brain and they had a little part about dreams, and I thought It was really interesting.

They first talked about what happens when you dream, like rapid eye movement, meaning your eyes move back and forth in at a fast speed while you are dreaming. I knew that but what I didn't know was that your brain sends singles to your spinal cord to paralyze you while you’re dreaming; this prevents you from sleep walking. They also said while you are asleep the part of your brain that controls logic is completely shut off, which is what causes dreams to be so odd.
You’ll probably know that while you are dreaming your brain is sorting out things that happened that day. It stores important stuff in the long term memory and unimportant stuff stays in the short term memory. We see dreams because off the sorting, and because our logic is turned off things tend to form together making a dream seem totally bizarre.
They also talked about lucid dreams (when you know your dreaming) and about how we can control them and stuff. They said your brain is most creative while you are asleep so being able to control your dreams could be really helpful to artists and architects. I just like to control my dreams for fun. xD Make cool things happen.
Oh and one last thing, it may seem that you dream all at once, but you actually see dreams in sort little five minute bursts all through the night.

Well, I just wanted to share some of that with yous because I thought it was kinda interesting. I think the brain is totally awesome, it really interests me. Like how we have all these different parts, some of them not even in use that scientist believe are used for things such as telepathy and cool stuff you only see in super hero movies. xD We just have to teach our brains how to use it. haha I'm such a science nerd. lolz did you know the brain weighs 3 pounds? lolz okays I'm done now. xD

New Places in Kentucky

So do you guys know that tired feeling you get in your eyes after crying for a long time? Yeah that’s me right now. And I now know to never ever watch an episode of Clannad without a box of tissues right next to me. T^T *sobs some more*
Anyway about my dream...

I also had this one a while ago but I still remember it.

It started at my uncle’s house in Ketucky. The cool thing was that we had these awesome hover boards that you say on and they could go as high as about a two story house. (I love dreams where I can fly. ^^) So I decided I would take my youngest cousin out for a ride.

So I start to fly around exploring places until I came to one of those new places that I make up in my dreams. The place was completely deserted no people around. It was a big cliff, nice and smooth, with a perfect 90 degree drop down to a swamp. (When I was dreaming I got the feeling that I was there before, like in another dream I had a long time ago.)

So I flew along the edge of the cliff and it continued into a cave. So I went in and when I was in the cave instead of the swamp being at the bottom it turned into a lake. There were 4 people jumping off the cliff into the lake and swimming around and when I got closer I saw that it was two girls I go to school with (I talk to them but where not really friends.), a boy who lives across the street from me, and another boy who I went to elementary school with and I haven’t seen for about 3 years.

They invited me to go swimming with them and I really wanted to but I got the feeling that I had something to do so I continued on along the cliff. A little further down the cliff began to descend into another cave. I went in and found it to be furnished. The cave turned into a bunch of long hallways with doors that led into rooms where different companies where. (I remember one room had a bakery and another had a bank.)

At the end of the hall I found a stair case. So I got off my hover board and when up the stair case and I found myself in an old beat up house. And my family was there cleaning it up, they said they were going to clean it up and then sell it.

After wondering through all those caves I got curious of where exactly I was so I went outside and got on my hover board for a better view. You guys know how in like founder cities, where people first settled the land, there are always those old style houses that normally look beat up and trashy? Well there is one by my uncle’s house and that’s where I was. And I even recognized the house I came out of.

So anyways the dream ended with my landing back on the ground to find my two best friends there, and we went back inside the house.

Boating with Lord Volermort

Okay so I have 3 dreams that I had a while ago and that I still remember. (I will post them when I feel like typing them all out.)
So for now I feel like typing one out.

The dream started at my grandparent’s house where my family was having some type of party. All my cousins, aunts, and uncles were there.

So I was hanging out with one of my younger cousins and she wanted me to come to the back bed room with her. So I go along with her and when we get back there she pulls out 7 violins and goes and gets my other cousins and we all play the violins together. (Me and my sister are the only two who actually know how to play the violin.)

So when we finished our song my cousins go off somewhere else leavening me with my younger cousins to put all the violins away. We were going through organizing all the violin cases because there was also random junk in them. I turned around for a second and when I turned back they were all gone, then my vision when black.

When I could see again I was in the lower cabin of a boat. There was on other girl there who I have never seen before in my life, but I somehow knew who she was. So in the cabin there were a whole bunch of drawers that had ingredients people would use for potions in Harry Potter and a mini bar.

Me and the girl went over to the mini bar and Wormtail (from Harry Potter) jumped out from behind it. He gave us both a bowl of soup and said that we were setting out on a voyage with Lord Voldermort. He also gave us a menu for the rest of the time that we would be on the boat. The hand writing on the the menu looked super cute like female handwriting and I asked who’s it was and Wormtail told me it was his lord’s. That for some reason got me all excited and I was jumping up and down squealing saying how cute it was.

Then Volermort walked by wearing a wet suit and carrying a surf board. So we followed him to the deck of the boat to watch him surf for a while when Wormtail started saying something about how he never gets any vacation time to do what he likes. He started up the boat and took me and the girl to a fancy restaurant on the water side.

But before we could go in my two best friends and their parent’s pulled up at the dock with a speed boat and a water trampoline and told me to get in. So I did and we went for a ride.

We stopped at a city that reminded me a lot of Venice, Italy. (All the roads were water ways and the city looked old and Italian.) The city was having some type of festival and there were boaters from all over the world there. And so my dream ended with us having a good time at the festival.

lolz so what do you guys think of that dream?
