AnimeNext - day 1

As I pulled into the parking lot at AnimeNext, I didn't know what to expect. Would everyone think I was weird for not cosplaying? Would I be too old to have fun?
And then something wonderful happened. Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus walked by, and I knew I was home!
Today was chaotic in the most awesome sense of the word. I started by getting a feel for the Artist's Alley and Dealer Room.
After buying an adorable gothic lolita style head piece, I ventured from table to table in awe of the amazing fan art for sale. That's when I spotted something familiar... And met reirei! I was so excited to meet a fellow member from theotaku in person that I nearly shrieked like a fan girl! (Again, I maintain I'm not a fan girl...) I bought a beautiful print of Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn and introduced myself. Yay!!
I moved then to the manga library while I reviewed the schedule. Panels and workshops and cosplay, oh my!! One of the best panels was Anime Parliament. AP is a forum to discuss and vote on various topics concerning anime, video games, manga, etc. For example, is Ash Ketchum responsible for negatively impacting the environment by releasing some of his Pokemon? Are the Ninja Turtles responsible for collateral damage when they fight bad guys? These guys (and gals) travel to tons of conventions - so check them out!!
Other highlights included the Sailor Moon Abridged panel and Epic Con Stories, in which con attendees share awesome/hilarious memories.
I was so excited today, I sort of forgot to eat (although I did drink plenty of water!) so it's time for dinner and then bed - I've got an early day tomorrow!!
