I've Been Challenged!

Crystia and Nathan came to visit last year just after Christmas. It was a lot of fun. I asked her if she had read the Twilight book I gave her when they came for Thanksgiving and she said yes.

I asked her if she'd read the rest and she said only if I could do a challenge. o_o So I said sure, even though she said it was really tough. So I went to the library and got the book she mentioned.

It's called "Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stores, Volume I" o_o It's huge! But Crystia said I only have to read, from the beginning, one book or story for each book in the Twilight series.

I thought it would be easy cause that means I only have to read 240 pages of the 1000+ book. o_o I was wrong! It's hard! T_T Really hard. I keep having to look words up in the dictionary.

I won't give up though. It is kind of interesting and I like Sherlock Holmes. He's really smart! So get ready Crystia! You're going to be reading the rest of Twilight! I've already read 50 pages of the first book.

Has anyone else read this book? oO Well thanks for all the nice visits and welcomes. Everyone here is so nice! See you!
