Oh my god! A new chapter! A new book!

Very frequently I check OneManga or MangaFox for an update of my favourite manga. Choto mate...maybe very frequently is too soft of a word. Etto. Aha! Every single time I sit down in front of the computer, I open my Opera and check if any of my favourite manga have been updated. I keep a list of the manga I am reading on the All-in-one-sidebar toolbar that Opera has, so I go down the list and see if any have new updates. Mind you it's quite a list, and some of them they don't update that frequently...or at all it seems. (Oh well...it's not like I can do it, so there's no use complaining)

If there's an update I usually have to double check on my list. Then I freak out, and my hand begins to spazz out. I click with an urgency, and begin to read. I block out the world...*blanks out*

49 mangas in total I have read or am reading. It may not seem like a lot, but to me it's quite a load. One can only stay so long on the computer when one is trying to break one's records on DDRSuperNOVA2 and intensely cleaning one's room. Or else I'm working on improving my drawing. My parent's think it is unhealthy of me to stay the last 15 days of summer I have left cooped up in my room.

Thankfully, when my parent's literally drag me out of my "cave" [aka my room], they usually go somewhere near a bookstore (B&N since all the Borders closed around me *plays Taps*). So while they're off doing god knows what, I head over to the poetry section get a book of Allen Ginsberg poetry (that's another post...)or some WIRED or The Economist mag, then head over to the manga/graphic novels and grab 3-5 manga and check if the new Flight book is out (it never is [yeah I know...run-on sentence, sue me]).

The number of manga depends on:

(a) How much time I have
(b) New books in a series
(c) A new series I have to read

I usually go towards a window or a fiction aisle that isn't crowded in order to read. To block out the sound of shuffling feet and books, I turn on my iPod and put the new music/poetry I downloaded and place the "spuds" in my ears(earbuds...I dunno why...but they look like what I imagine when I think of space potatoes [don't ask]). And I begin to read.

And that's it...so, yeah...you can stop reading now.
