
Hello, everyone! Welcome to BAKURYUUHA!, my InuYasha world and fanshrine of sorts. I know the introduction basically sums up what will be going here, but I wanted to give this world a full introduction and introduce myself and my InuYasha history as well. So, here we go!

Oh, and for those of you who have no idea what the title means, it's the Japanese name for the Backlash Wave, Tessaiga's (supposedly) ultimate attack.

InuYasha has been my favorite anime for more than six years. A friend of mine introduced me to it in the seventh grade and I've been hooked ever since. I have seen every episode of the anime and I have read all 558 chapters of the manga. I have written countless pieces of fanfiction and doodled plenty of images of my favorite characters (I can't draw at all, so saying I did fanart would be a bit of a stretch). I have spent oodles of money on merchandise as well, everything from posters to plushies to import soundtracks. InuYasha has been a major of part of my life for a very long time and I am still proud to say I am a fan. I know that the show's fans have been somewhat tainted by trolls and such, and I can't pretend like I wasn't one of them at one point, but I would like to think I have evolved beyond that. I tune in to Kanketsu-Hen faithfully every week, so I will probably start posting about that as well.

Okay, enough about me. I want to give you a better idea of what I have planned for the future of this world. Let's do this in a list form, shall we?

1. Comprehensive character profiles and analysis: As the series has finished, I can fully analyze and profile the major and supporting characters! Expect to see posts about minor characters as well, if they prove to be especially important to a certain plot line (or if I really like them).
2. In-depth guides to major plot arcs: Sure, InuYasha has TONS of filler, but there are plenty of major arcs to be discussed as well. Especially as Kanketsu-Hen hurtles toward the conclusion of the entire series, I will be adding tons of stuff on major arcs from the first series and the current one.
3. Essays and personal reflections: As such a huge fan, I developed some pretty strong feelings on the series and many of its major discussions (Kikyou vs. Kagome, Is so-and-so evil?, etc.). I will definitely be posting about those!
4. Various rants and ramblings: Similar to essays, but without the structure, this posts will come around if I get really heated up about something. Hilarity is likely to ensue.
5. FUN STUFF: Hey, I don't have to be serious all the time! In fact, I really enjoy poking fun at my favorite show. Keep an eye out for fun parodies and stuff that will likely be interspersed with the more serious content.

Well, that's about it. I didn't mean to ramble on for so long! I guess that's just a preview of what's to come, eh? Thanks for stopping by Bakuryuuha!, and make sure to check back for new posts!!

- Paige, Bakuryuuha!'s loyal mistress.
