Welcome to Sesshomaru's Wandering Life.Im Rakotsu and i love Sesshomaru
.Inuyasha and the Others are ok but Sesshomaru is beyond words.I feel sorry for him all by himself with a Imp demon and Rin. He loves Rin but she is to young.Jaken i dont like him!His father died saving Inuyasha and his mother.I understand how he feels.People shouldnt judge him by the way he looks, if wanted to truley kill Inuyasha he would have done it already.Deep down Sessy has a heart.
- Created By Rakotsu
Sesshomaru & Inuyasha's Bond
Sesshoumaru's half-brother is of course Inuyasha. They somewhat resemble each other in appearance, with their long silver hair, golden eyes, and claws- but that's probably as far as their similarities go. Unlike Sesshoumaru's calm and controlled personality, Inuyasha is better described as temperamental, loud, reckless, and immature.
The two brothers do not get along- rather, they pretty much look like they hate each other. However, you sometimes see moments that suggest they may not actually "hate" each other as much as they appear to. Although Sesshoumaru always speak of "killing" Inuyasha, he never really went through with it even when he can easily do so. Sesshoumaru has even shown some hints of actually caring about his brother's well-being. He certainly takes note of the danger of Inuyasha's demon blood and has even advised Kagome to keep him sane with the Tetsaiga. Inuyasha's "need" of the Tetsaiga to seal his demon blood may in fact also be a primary reason that Sesshoumaru no longer tries to take the sword away from him.
Sesshoumaru looks down upon Inuyasha for being a half-demon as it's something that he never fails to mention. However, I believe that his feelings towards Inuyasha may be more "disappointment" in Inuyasha's choices rather than his contempt of Inuyasha's tainted blood. It seems Sesshoumaru often feel that Inuyasha isn't living up to his full potential, especially when he carries their father's powerful blood- and he instead often express it by criticizing the side of him that contains the human blood. We can also see that when Sesshoumaru fights with Inuyasha, he always seem to push Inuyasha further. Although Sesshoumaru may often seem to be out for Inuyasha's blood, the battles they actually have never seem all that serious. The fights usually end up with Sesshoumaru taunting Inuyasha and perhaps it may be his indirect ways of making Inuyasha become stronger.
Sesshoumaru's relationship with Inuyasha may not be all that bad in the past. During the episodes that they talked about the leopard/cat demon clan's old grudge with the dog demon clan. In a flashback by Jaken, it was taken back to a time some 50 years ago when the cat demons were at war with the dog clan. At the time, Sesshoumaru was leading the side of the dog clan and it seems they needed more man power on their side. Jaken actually went in search of Inuyasha, in hopes that he may assist them in the war being that he's actually also from the dog clan and that he may be able to help with the legendary Tetsaiga. When Jaken returned, he informed Sesshoumaru that Inuyasha had been sealed by Kikyo (or on a miko) and would not be able to join them in the war. This seemed to be the center of Sesshomaru’s hatred towards Inuyasha.
In the end I think that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha will once be happy and fight no more.
Sessy & Inu Bath Time
LOL! Sesshomaru looks paranoid!!!! Its cute
Sessy and Naraku
CUT Jakens head offCUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CUT IT!!!!!!!!!
Naraku looks cute!!!
30 different kinds of SEXY!!!
Sessy & Inuyasha
Sessy and Inuyasha make a really cute couple if they werent brother and brother. But i still like this pic