Yet Another Blah Day

*sighs* I have returned to TheO...and it would seem that all of my old friends have gone. I have tried sending messages/commenting without much luck. Ahh. I will make new friends in time. far my return has been friendless. *chuckles*

Well. What did I do today...

I got up this morning, made breakfast, and played on the computer.

A little later I cleaned my animals room. Oh yes, I have animals. Two ferrets and one cat. Plus I am catsitting my friend's cat.

Then I came in and we had fried chicken and biscuits from Bojangles.

A few hours after that My uncle and his friend finally got the pup truck I recently purchased up and running. Now I have to learn how to drive it. It is a stick shift. My old car was not. I had an accident and had to get another vehicle so I could get to work. Our friend gave it to me for 600 bucks then helped us fix it.

I played Fiesta for a short bit today. I was trying to get in contact with a close friend...but he wasn't on.

I also made another wallpaper and e-card during the day. The wallpaper I am using for my new world theme I set up today. ...and the e-card is another SGA piece.

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Alright. I'm out.
