The Clan is Building!

Nightstar looks out into the empy field, the wind chilling her fur. A young catExternal Image jumped into the tree besides her. "Nightstar, why do I need a ceremony even though there is nobody else in the Clan anymore?"
Nighstar looked down, then took a big breath of the leaf-fall air. "If i don't give a ceremony than StarClan will not know that you are being made an apprentice". She jumped onto the next branch up. The kit underneath her jumped off the tree and ran out the where the Clan used to sit, to make Nightstar feel like she isn't going crazy."Waterkit, you have reached six moons and it is now time for you to become an apprentice."
The little gray tabby ran up to the rock where she was supposed to sit. "Waterkit, since our Clan is small, you will need to make sure that you put all of your focus into protecting our territory. From this day forward until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Waterpaw." The young cat looked up at Nightstar, who's tail flickered with joy of having a new apprentice. "Since I am the only other one in this Clan , i will take personal responsibility of being you're mentor".
The wind got so cold, Nightstar new that if they were out here any longer they would freeze to death, so made a quick ending and climbed down the tree. Waterpaw followed her to the only den left in camp. They layed down in the warmest corner that there was and quickly went to sleep.

The sun was coming up over the mountains in the far distance. The air was now warm and Nightstar woke up. She noticed that Waterpaw wasn't there, and quickly ran out of the den. She didn't have to go far to find Waterpaw walking to camp with mouse between her teeth. She saw Nightstar standing and immediately dropped the mouse. "Nightstar, I-I didn't mean to go hunting behind your back, but this mouse ran inside of our den an-"
"-It's okay, Waterpaw," meowed Nightstar with amazement. This cat hadn't even had any training and caught a mouse, she must have lucked out.
Waterpaw picked up the mouse and brought it over to Nightstar. "Here," she mewed quietly, pushing the mouse over to Nightstar with one of her front paws.
"No, you have it, you deserve it. I'll go hunting later."
Waterpaw grabbed it and took a bite out of it. after she swallowed, she asked "When are there going to be more cats in our Clan?"
That was a tough question for Nightstar. "It's hard to tell. If we are lucky, we'll have more cats here before new-leaf. And unless StarClan sends one of us a message, only time will tell. But for now, let's just work on keeping each other alive."
