Naruto is still captured, Pein is still charging his Special Beam Cannon. I am eating an orange. This is very important, because it's more interesting than what's going on in this chapter. Apparently, though, Naruto has a plan. He begins to gather Sage Chakra, which transforms Physical Pein into a frog.
A rock frog, which Naruto breaks out of. And then there was one.
Yeah, he's talking about Nagato. He's still running around pulling strings. Just like one out of every three ninjas in this series.
Fukusaku and Mama decide to gather Sage chakra. Then they use it to get high on mushrooms or something. Anyway, they move in to attack, as Sith pein does something.
Now we cut back to Useless Town, where Shizune is still dead. I'm still enjoying this far too much.
Most of the frogs have been incapacitated. It hurts quite a bit. Also, Shizune is still dead. The Village of Idiots finally decides to do something useful by tracking down Nagato. Unfortunately, Chakra now functions like a phone call. Nagato keeps changing frequencies, so he can't be traced.
Have I recently mentioned how stupid everything about this series is?
Fukusaku been shanked. This sets Naruto off like nothing before.
Sith Pein quickly follows up Naruto's assault with a force pull and a force choke. And a force slam-you-into-the-ground-so-hard-that-it-leaves-a-crater. He then stabs through both of Naruto's hands and traps him on the ground.
This is the part, dear readers, where Pein falls victim to what I like to cal "Bond Villain Stupidity Syndrome." Now that his mortal enemy is wounded, it's time for Pein to sit there and go into a long, uninteresting monologue about his motivations. This would seem plausible if we hadn't heard it all before.
Before that, though, Ino's dad has a revelation. Both of these will be resolved next chapter. Join us next week, folks. Same crap-time, same crap-channel.