Here are a list of some words Sanaya will use due to speaking Italian.
•Yes = Si
•Thank you = Grazie
•Hello = Salve (Formal) Ciao (Informal)
•Excuse me = Mi scusi
•I'm sorry = Mi Dispace
•What? = Cosa?
•Good Morning = Buongiorno
•Good Night = Buonanotte
•Good Afternoon = Buon pomeriggio
•Goodbye = Addio
•Are you alright? = Va tutto bene?
•Be quiet = Sta 'zitto
•Dear = Caro
•I love you = Ti Amo
•Love (Person) = Amore
•Handsome = Bello
•Beautiful = Bella
If a phrase or something in here is not used I will bold it and put a translation at the end.
1) "Ciao, il mio nome è Sanaya. Qual è il tuo nome?" Sanaya asked with a warm smile.
Translation: Hello, my name is Sanaya. What is your name?