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I'm Shen. Nice to meet you.

Occupation: Computer and Electrical Engineering Student
Work: IEOP teacher (I teach foreigners how to speak english...not good)
I don't know what else you want to know?

If you need help at all, I'd be happy to help. I know a lot about programming and overall how this works, considering I've been here for years and I'm going to school for computer engineering. So, I hope you enjoy your stay and that I don't offend you.

I was weak. Thats why I needed you...needed someone to punish me for my sins...but thats all over now...I know the truth.
-James Sunderland: Silent Hill 2

Goodbye DC

My mother's cat died today. I don't know what happened...and that cat was...he had the best personality I've ever seen a cat have. He may not have been smart, and he may not have listened, but he was a good cat. The worst part about it was that he was only 2 years old. He hadn't even lived that long. And he was so pretty. My poor mother.

I will always remember how he played fetch, and here I am sitting here crying and I didn't even know him that well since he came in after I moved out. He really became part of the family in a short amount of time. I just wish he would have shown signs of being sick earlier. Maybe he wouldn't have had to...

Anyway, I just needed to share this and get it out of my system.



That is all.

Everything right is wrong again

My computer is working yet again! The world is a fabulous place and I can use my computer as I want.


So, I haven't been on in a while. I would make an excuse as to way, but honestly I just didn't want to. I didn't want to do a lot of things this summer because I've been depressed and had nothing to do since my hours at my job were lower than usual. It was a rather boring and not very interesting summer to be honest.

The reason I'm on is because I found out earlier today that a man who has been like a grandfather to be has cancer. He went in to the hospital to get a cyst removed and instead they found a tumor the size of an apple. They say its probably already in stage 3. I...I honestly don't know what to think.

Charlie and Martha Pearl are in my memories ever since I could start remembering things. They were best friends with my real grandma and grandfather and stayed that way for over 50 years. Charlie was there for my mothers birth and all the years she grew up. They are such amazing people and they love the outdoors and are so outgoing. For this to happen is just...it hurts. The only comfort I can take is that Charlie has lived for over 90 years. That doesn't really help me though when I think of how much pain he'll have to go through at the end.

I am going to go to a meeting for STAT 330 now. Hopefully I don't start crying in the middle of it.

Stories in my Head

Room mostly clean now. Only thing is I found all my old drawing notebooks...this meant looking through them and seeing what I used to think about some things. I also found a really cool short story. I should try to make it longer...but then again, I already have 11 stories in my head that need to get out somehow...

I should probably start on the oldest one if I have to pick though. It does have my favorite characters in it. Its just hard because when I think of a story I like two background characters that aren't really looked at in the story, so I go into their back story and I end up wanting to make a story out of them and a new story comes to me. A good example was that at one point I wanted to make Lucifer and God a couple, but that DEFINITELY wouldn't work for MANY MANY reasons and its just a horrible idea. So instead I made my second favorite story about two characters who were based off of them. Now they are completely different from them and its great!

Its just funny how that works...maybe I should make sure its 11...

Beans and Rice - Beans life may finally turn around thanks to his math teacher and his teachers family
DNA - Also called Demons and Angels. An interesting look at fate and emotion
Royal Problems/Desires Blood - Four kingdoms, many different creatures, royals send children to school together.
From the Ashes - Apocalypse
Eternia - How long does forever last?
Memoirs - Ben and John
Magic Trials/Mages Expense - Quick story of school with magic barrier
Leadership - Dragons and shapeshifters
New York Removal/New York Response - New York setting and the roommate is my favorite character
Velvet Rope - Shaila goes to Kansas only to find she doesn't fit in
Agent Hound - Two agents for a spy company with Hound being as close to a serial killer as possible and his handler.
States - Stories with the states personified. Heavy in American history
Distortion - A man living with his wife
Two Shades - A world slowly going toward the end. But what exactly is the end? Joji the Kangasquag.

Nevermind its fourteen now. This is good for me to have so I can remember them and I can add to it later as well if I need to. I hope I don't need to. That is a lot of stories all stuck in my head.


Added Stories

Egyptian Nile - Using old time gods as a base for a fantasy novel