It purple...and not a cool purple...its a powder purple. And its a taurus, just like I thought it would be. I just can't get over how girly the paint job makes the car look...and it only had a quarter of a tank of gas! I mean really, who does that? Here valued customer, I give you a car with a quarter of a tank. Now I have to fill it up if I want to go somewhere and that means I'm going to waste a lot of money on the car when I'm not going to be using all that gas. Ugh, so stupid!
That aside, my class, Computer Architecture, is making me rather angry as well. The questions are way too abstract and it makes it hard to answer. If I don't cover everything I miss all the points...cover too much and I lose half the points because thats not what they wanted. And, when its not being abstract, it decides to give you a question that we didn't go over in class and the book only mentions it in one paragraph that you wouldn't even remember it was said! Rawr!
Luckily, in the little free time I do have, I have been able to start drawing that ninja I said I wanted to draw a while back! I'm actually quite proud about how well its coming along. Which is really weird because I have done some shadowing and I think I'm doing an okay job at it...lets hope the rest of it goes that well...