All consuming Rage

First, my car still isn't repaired yet. Thats right, I'm stuck with the damn taurus for another week and I probably have a ticket because I didn't know until the parking division was closed last night and I can't get out there to put the thing on the car till after 7 tonight. Why is this such a pain in the ass? All I want is my car back so I don't have to worry about the parking division anymore. I really really don't like them at this point in time.

Second, one of my professors added a book to the class last week and didn't tell anyone about it. Now, the book store doesn't have any left and my homework assignment that I have to turn in TODAY is out of that damn book. I think it should be against the Iowa State Laws that teachers can add a book in the middle of the damn semester. Now I'm going to get a shitty grade on this homework assignment because I can't even find three of the five problems to do. I'm lucky I even got two of them!

Third, I didn't finish either of my exams that I had this week. Ya, and the first one I know I didn't do well on. It does make me feel a little better though that no one else in either class got the exam finished either. Literally the whole class was still in both of the halls when the time was up. It was just bad...and I still don't know when one of my third exams with any luck there won't be one soon...I could really use a break already. Is it thanksgiving? Please tell me its thanksgiving...
