What the heck just happened?

Well, I just woke up from one of the most straining naps/dreams ever.

I wished I could know what exactly was going on with my body during this, but wow.. I gotta admit it was kinda trippy.

Well, I always have these bursts of tiredness. I got it today probably because I worked for the whole weekend.. jogged yesterday after work.. and I woke up today at 6.

So I fell asleep. I was on this computer that I felt like was MY computer even though it looked nothing like it. It had all my data on it, but all of a sudden my friend, Bartan, decided to mess everything up on it.

For some reason, I felt inclined to sleep over his place. I also wanted to say hello to his sister, who I know from work, but I felt too tired there. So I went to sleep in a purple sleeping bag. After a few seconds, I heard her friend, Jess, right outside of my bag. I could've gotten up to say hello, but I wanted to just remain sleeping.

I felt so tired that I couldn't do anything.. until I heard dogs. So I turned my head and there was a long dog parade passing by right next to my sleeping bag. Perplexed, I decided to look further at who's devising this dog parade, but then I abruptly "woke up."

I was still dreaming at this point. It felt like I was exactly on the same spot on my bed that I was sleeping on, but I saw a cockroach fly out randomly on a string. I didn't see it, but I knew that it had to crawl on my bed and on me at some point..

Well, my natural inclination would be to get the hell outta there! Nope.. my eyes were wide open, but my arms and legs wouldn't move a single inch. My mind was falling in and out of sleep, but at the same time, wanted to run away. I couldn't and I was trapped in that somewhat fetal position waiting for that cockroach to crawl on me.

I eventually moved and I woke up in the same position. There was no cockroach at all.. :\ I'm inclined to have an "analyst" examine my dream and correlate it with my thoughts in real life. I've been having a ton of dreams with huge bugs and cockroaches just recently.
