This was copypasta'd to here from an IM conversation I had where I describe today's events. This is an update from my college & financial situation regarding classes.
i'm a lazy guy, so i tried calling my financial aid office…
but classes start tomorrow, so there was a huge influx of people in there for their financial aid award package.
that made their phone lines ridiculously busy. i wanted to talk to this one guy, but he NEVER picked up his phone.
so i'm like, screw it, and decided to go there myself. i met with the guy after waiting for 20 minutes and he got my loans and stuff fixed, so now that balance of 7k+ dollars is cleared.
i was scared that the enrollment office (the one that registers you for classes) wouldn't accept that because the school just got the loan in last week.
but the guy, mr. vick, said the enrollment office NOW accepts confirmed disbursement dates (the day they get the money).
so i went there and got into a small issue w/ the woman advising me, but after that got cleared, she asked for my registration sheet, which i left at home.
so i had to drive all the way back home again and get all the classes i researched on their website to register. the numbers and whatnot.
so i just went back and the lady unlocked my account and registered me for 10 credits. 4 more left for a full class, which i have to get permission to from my department.
so i 3/4ths won 'cause i still need to talk with them tomorrow, lol.
but holy cow, what a load off my shoulders.