
Undeserving is how I feel right now.

Have you ever wanted to win a prestigious reward for something you put a lot of dedication and effort into? It's the middle of the semester and the nominees were announced.. but you weren't included on the list. You notice a colleague on the list who you know doesn't put as much effort as you into your specialty. You begin to question, "On what criteria is this person nominated?"

That is how I am feeling, however, the person that is on the list of nominees is myself.

I'll break it down. Prestigious honors society for nurses invites a handful of students. My friends have a higher GPA and probably have as much skill, probably even more, as I have in nursing. They didn't get invited. Now I am questioning, "How?"

Is it just a fluke? I guess I'm in denial.
But I really want my close net of friends to be inducted as well.

Update: So this honors society wants me to pay dues every year.
I have to research deeper into the benefits.
