I told my mom I do NOT need to write my feelings down, but NO she buys a journal any ways...now I have to write in this thing or my mom willl kill me!
Not liking this!!! But here's my journal...


.....sasora played a joke on me two days ago....here's how it went....

sora: shika....i don't think we should go out anymore....
me: WHAT?!?!?
sora:.....APRIL FOOLS!!!!<(>w<)>
me: ......u suck....

and then she played a joke on nichi!!

sora: nichi....gaara says he doesn't like u....at all....
nichi: WHAT?!?!T^T
sora:.......APRIL FOOLS!!!!<(>w<)>
nichi:.......I'LL KILL U, U MOFO!!!!!!!>.<
sora: *runs away*

so yea.....damn u sora......-_-"

gaara and.....nichi?

yep....the double date was me and sora and gaara and nichi.....that explains what sora was doing in the sand village....(aka: asking gaara out 4 nichi)......it was kinda fun.....though nichi got ahold of some peanut butter, sora got some chocolate, and gaara had 2 much sugar.......so i was the only 1 not runnin around like a maniac.......great~. im not doin much 2day, though i think im still goin 2 nichi's house....depends how much of a peanut-butter-induced hangover she has......other wise im not doin anything......well i gots 2 go....ttfn......(did i just say that?!?-_-")

a....double date??

i found out where sora went........seh went to the sand village..she hasn't told me what she did, but she did say 2 dress nice and get ready 4 a double date.......now what?? im going 2 get dressed now....later...

wtf....where did she go??

sora disappeared......i am not kidding! i can't find her any where!! nichi doesn't even no where she is......*sigh* great......we were going 2 see if our hypothesis is right.....how? by asking the guy......we're getting bored from just following him.......great! im not doing this on my own!!>.< i guess i'll just wait.....-_-;

oh. my. gosh. that's creepy......

sora found what she was looking 4......now i see what she noticed.......that guy.....looks actually...like.....kakashi's sensei.....it's weird....i wonder if he is....i mean....now that i think about it: he looks like naruto, naruto and nichi r related and that would explain y he was looking 4 both of them, he is a lot like naruto and nichi,(personalty wise and taste wise)....it would explain so much! me and sora are tailing him again so we can confirm our theory!! later!