Back to School, at last! Yay!

Who am I kidding? Yay? About going back to school?

But seriously, I was excited about finally getting back to school after being gone for 2 and a half weeks. I got to drive my car again!! His name is Michelangelo, after the Ninja Turtle! Here's a picture^^

I love Mikey^^ He's ever so much fun to drive and his gas mileage isn't so bad either. lol. Not to mention, noooooo one else has a car like him n_______n

(back to things I got to do at school) And I got to see my friends. Yay! Oh, yeah! And I got to fail a gigantic vocabulary test, and sit through an hour and a half assembly with my neck killing me, and feel like a complete idiot in Japanese! Yay!!

What? You mean, those last few things aren't stuff I should be happy about? Well, fiddlesticks.

No, seriously. I really was happy to be back (despite all those unpleasant things). Hey, now I'll actually (hopefully) get to graduate, right?

Well, my neck really is hurting so I'm gonna get a wiggle on and go lay down somewhere. Wish I could give you a more detailed description of how my first day back went. Maybe later.

It's mighty nice outside today, by the way. I wish I wasn't broken so I could go make a fool of myself on my skateboard and get broken more seriously.


Oh, and if anyone (other than you, Twisted) can tell me where I got the phrase "get a wiggle on" I will do something for you....possibly involving chibies...and drawing....and cuteness........and glomps.... Once I'm better XD
