So, I have to write TWO DIFFERENT research papers over Spring Break.
Yuck. One is for Japanese, and one is for my Culinary class. Lucky me, they are both on Japanese food. Rock on. I can just modify the one for Japanese and I'm set. Boo-yah.
So, I should be working on that know (considering that I am in Culinary right now....) but I've already spent quite a bit of time choosing my online sources. They're all pretty good sites. Check em out.
The second one is really long (like 10 pages of pretty small print) so it's not like I expect you to read them and tell me what you found or anything. Just, if you ever have any questions about Japanese food, now you know where to look. lol. I also have a couple books on sushi and rice, and Tofu and Miso. Pretty schnazy. haha.
Man. I'm a dork.