We beez back, yo. Ugh. I'm lame.

Soooo, we're back from vacation (for a couple days now) and back to sleeping in the same room again. Omg-ness. I might have to scream if Twisted and I don't get on a more similar sleep schedule than the one we currently have.

We just had piano movers come to our house today to carry Twisted's piano up the stairs to our new music room. Once we move Twisted's ginormous TV downstairs I can have a friend of ours come over to help me set up my drumset properly so I can finally play it! Yay! I still need a stool, however.....Oh well.

Soon we will be off to see Hancock (if that be how it's spell. Yar. Ugh. Still lame). It looks pretty dern funny. Plus, I'm definitely a fan of Will Smith. lol. I have a friend that reminds me a lot of him. I've posted about him once or twice (with freaky edited pictures and stuff like that).

Hm. What else....Oh! Twisted and I are contemplating buying Rock Band for PS2!! Apparently it comes out in a few weeks. Yay!! We are not blessed with a Wii so we're pretty stoked about this.

Also, I drew some pictures of the girls. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, let me ellaborate. The "girls" are the four original characters in TwistedCyberChick's and my fanfiction "Sanzo Wannabe". I have drawn pictures of the girls (which are posted on Twisted's World "Sanzo Wannabe") in their normal clothes. Please do check them out. I haven't posted the new pics I drew yet because I still have to draw Anna (she seemed the most daunting), still, please check those out once they are posted as well^^

I can't really think of anything else so I'm gonna jet.

Talk to yall later. Toodles!
