Mega Tokyo meets Beck? Employment, anyone?

I've started a new little pass-time of sorts. I'm going to create a little comic where in every page is stand alone in a way, yet still part of one story. Thus we understand the Mega Tokyo reference.

Also, it's about a band (the BECK part is making sense now). How they met, what they play, how they get along, yadda, yadda, yadda. This is based off of the band TwistedCyberChick and I wish we could have. However, pretty much the only similarities are 1: the name of the band, and 2: the drummers stagename.

Here's the very rough copy of part of the cover (which just so happens to double as the cover for their debut album^^).

This will be touched up later. I colored it with sharpies. lol. Also, I had to take a picture of it with my cellphone because our scanner wouldn't work. Errrrrg.

Anywho, this won't be posted on theO for a while, at least until I have around 10 pages done. So don't hold your breath or anything (not that you were planning on it.)

Now, this brings us to the topic of employment mentioned in the title of this post.

At 3:30 today I have my long awaited job interview at Borders Books, Music, and Cafe after having applied 3 times. haha. Anywhoo, I'm guessing I'll post tomorrow about how the interview went.

Talk to yall later!

