Yes, I am alive.

But only barely. The same could be said about my general state of only simi-consiousness.

I'm working a lot, mostly opening the cafe so I have morning to afternoon shifts. I don't even get in bed until after 11:30 on most nights. Ugh.

Anywaaaaaay. I love my job^^ Not only I'm I making money so I can actually go to Japan this October (for almost a whole month! DUDE!!) but I really enjoy the work. Sometimes it's really stressful when a ton of guests come in at once, but it's really awesome.

Not to mention, I get 33% percent off of everything in my favorite store, so that's pretty sweet.

Just wanted to let yall know I'm not ignoring theO or anything, I'm just very busy. Maybe in a few days (I have Saturday and Monday off) I will post a picture or something. If I get around to scanning it and cleaning it up and what not. lol. Also, our scanner is being really dumb, so yeah.

Look'it the cute-ness!! lol

Take it easy^^
