When You Don't Wanna but Hafta

I'm supposed to have today off.

I work every week day, and I'm supposed to get the weekends off.

However, there are only 5 employees (including myself) working in the cafe at my place of employment. I usually work alone when I work, even though some days I reeeeally need someone else because we're busy.

Today, the guy who's supposed to work from 1 until close (at 10) is sick, so I have to come in. I can't be there until 3, but still. I have to work on one of my two days off. Suckage.

At least I'll be making a little more money for Japan (which we leave for in 18 days. Sweetness), but still. I don't wanna, but I hafta.

So, I suppose I should go now. Much to do before 3 o'clock. Ugh. And I feel like I'm dying. Not doin' so well, you know? But, what can I do?

Toodles, all.
