Shia Labeouf, Japan, and Crappy Days at Work

I wanted to kill everyone in the world today. I wanted to stand up on the counter at my place of employment, tell everyone to shove it, and run screaming from the building.

Now, on that happy note:

Oh emu jiiii, man. I'm going to Japan in under 8 days. Teh sweetness.

Shia Labeouf is a beautiful boy and I want to glomp him. Eagle Eye was a very intense but crazy wicked awesome movie. Maybe an action-suspense-thriller was not the wisest choice of entertainment on my part to end an already retardedly stressful day at work. Ah well.

Look at the reverse order as opposed to the title of the post. How do you like THEM apples?

*slaps face then crawls off to bed, crying*

Loves Ya!
