Due to the rather extreme temperatures, I'm using today as a free day. A cuddle-up-and-read day. A knit-a-blanket day. An I'm-stinkin-lazy day.
Twisted must hate me xP
I've worked everyday for an entire week. I think I'm entitled to one lazy day, don't you?
So, when I got to work yesterday, Amanda (a very nice girl who will be moving to Seattle in July) had drawn something on the daily schedule thing. When she left (I came in at 3 and that's when she got off) I cut it out and kept it. Then, at 6:30 (I was going to be getting off at 7 but was sick and tired of working already. It had only been 3 and a half hours. lol) I drew something which I took a picture of and sent to Twisted, Tofu-chan, and my Mum and Pops.
Here are those little doodles. The one on the left is Amanda's, and the right one is mine.
Cute, ain't it? I really love that mouse. I showed Devon (another coworker in the cafe) and he said, "That is adorable". Made me happy. lol. It's always nice when a guy is willing to use words like "adorable". I dunno why they wouldn't but maybe they think it's emasculating.
And the little guy I drew? I just wanted to draw a screaming/complaining chibi to vent my desire to go home. heh.
So, now I'm off to do all those things I mentioned earlier. Oh, and perhaps I will post a quick one about our next day in Japan later. w00t.
Byezzzzzzzzz. (I slept until 11:30 today xD)