I must veeeeeeeeeeeeeeent

I want to kill something. Lots of somethings, in fact. Maybe an entire room of somethings. Don't worry, though. You probably aren't one of them.

I went to work at noon today. I worked until 9 pm.

At around, hm, 3:30ish the stupid espresso machine decided to act up. I was trying to make a mocha or something with 3 shots. After pulling the first two a little noticed popped up on the screen. "Powder Error" it said.

What the crap? This machine has powder in it somewhere?

So, I pushed continue. The screen then displayed "Ready" and I was like, "Ya, whutevar" and then pushed the button for one shot. Then the screen said "Piston Error".

Da crap?? Where the crumdiddlies is the piston in this thing? Does it even havea piston?

This continued for a while then suddenly it started working. Thank goodness, right?


The freezer in the back, full of rottable food, was at 50 degrees.


Then, at 6:45ish, the espresso machine did the whole "piston-powder" thing. I wanted to scream bloody-flapping-murder.

We couldn't fix anything. We called people to come and fix them. Nobody came. They might not come until tomorrow.


The girl I was working with said this to me and a customer.

"We should be called 'Seattle's Best Anything-But-Coffee'".

Kinda made me laugh. Ya know, even though I wanted to kill something(s).

So, I just needed to let that out.

The espresso machine still isn't working. The freezer is at least down to 42 degrees so the food is safe, but it's not frozen anymore which means we'll have to throw all of it out in just a couple days or it will get stale.

