Why I am about to die.

So, I can't stay at this computer for longer than 3 to 5 minutes.

Why, you ask? Well, I have managed to royally jack up my neck. You know the arch in your neck? That curve that all necks should have? Well, mine has collapsed. Oh joy of joys.

I have not been to school all week. My mom is actually scared that they won't let me graduate. Eek!

Well, I thought I would say that I am in exceptional amounts of pain and that I have been causing Twisted, my sister, endless stress and mental anguish. She had to stay home all day yesterday to help me with my English homework. I mean, she read the 40 some pages to me and typed all the crap that I dictated to her, poor soul.

Anywhoo, here is a beautiful picture for you to feast your eyes upon.

I think that beautiful creature (the baby) may be Korean. That kinda looks like Korean writing, anyway. Also, I don't know if the other beautiful creature (the animal. AKA: the thing the baby is chewing on. lol) is a puppy, or a guinea pig or what, but it is certainly just that. Beautiful.

I must go now. My 5 minutes just ran up.

Talk to yall later! Please leave a comment or two that Twisted can (maybe, if she is in a better mood. I've been having to sleep in her bed cuz I can't climb up into mine) read to me later. Thankies!

Toodles, guys!
