
As odd as it may sound, Shikamaru yaoi pairings are very common as well as popular... but where did it come from? Where did it all start?

Most believe that it all started with this line:
"Girls are so troublesome..."

And while he thinks most things are "troublesome", Masashi Kishimoto focuses alot on Shikamaru's interaction with women:
-How he always has to fight them
-How they can't be understood,
-How he thinks they're "scary"
-How most of them are annoying
Solution? Be with another man.

However, he doesn't totally hate them. Before fighting Temari he said, "A man can't lose to a woman...then again, a man can't really hit a woman." (Japanese version) He seems to have a traditional take on women, which can probably be traced to his father. He also works well with his teammate Ino as the series progresses.

Popular Shikamaru Partners: (Not in any specific order)
-Kiba (personal +)
-Chouji (personal -)
-and several others, he doesn't seem to be picky!

For now, the story of this post: Kiba's Cloud
Click Here
Written by: mamma DX (me)
An unfinished story about Kiba's troubles on revealing his feelings to Shikamaru. Light lemon and suggestive themes. Rated M on Fanfic. More to come, I'm lazy like my hero, Shika-kun.

Pic of the post:

Have a good day.
