Blegh. I'm shaking cobwebs off at this point. I feel like I shouldn't though. I'm just posting here to satisfy my own need to type. lol. I haven't typed or written anything in such a long time. Its a sad feeling when I can't let my fingers do what they want. I found a job taking care of people. I help out people with developmental disabilities, working for a non profit organization, near where I live. They work all over the southern part of my state making sure people who have developmental disabilities are taken care of, and able to go out into the community and be treated proper. Other than that, I have been rotting away in my home playing my xbox one offline. I feel like I should have some kind of resentment towards certain things, but I can never find the heart to be hateful of people i once cared about. I'm just to busy trying to satisfy my own ego, by convincing myself that I can earn the respect of my peers. Hell, I wish I had the courage to face the things I can't stand about myself, but honestly I find that to be too daunting a challenge. Either way, I will see it through to the end. I'll be around.
old man