The first class

Momo woke up earlier than usual. She got one hour before the class started. Somehow she felt very nervous as this is the first time she's assigned as a teacher. She'll be handling the kido class. There were only nine students but Momo was way too nervous. She have no idea of what to expect from them as she only know 1 of them personally. The headmaster did gave her the students' profile but that doesnt tell much about them. Some of them are already in advanced stage of their skill development.
"Maybe that would make my job easier.." she thought.
Momo met Kokoro on the way to class and they walked together. Upon arrival, they saw a boy sitting on a bench outside the class. Kokoro told her that it's one of the student. The two of them walked towards him and after talking to each other Momo found the boy very well mannered and kind.
"Just what to expect from someone of a noble family".
She led them into the class and there were already a few students there. they greeted her and all of them looked excited to start their first formal class. While waiting for the rest to come, they chatted about stuff. She didnt really feel like a teacher.., more like a friend now. After everyone arrived, Momo start the lesson with introduction of kido and all the basic stuff.
"we wont do practical until all the theory lesson have finished", she told them.
Their spirits make the class enjoyable. Most of them are very friendly. Even the shy and serious ones seemed to have fun in their own way. Momo was so glad that evrything is fine.. She cant wait for the next class!

