
Kokoro, Toko, and Hisa raced down the halls towards the spirtual pressure. They skid to a stop when they found Vathana. Ikkaku was scolding him.
"Why would Vathana do this? It's not like him." I stated crossing my arms and stairing down at the floor.
"I'm quite sure Hisa." Kokoro Replied not taking his eyes off the black box that was laying on the floor.
"Wait maybe he was trying to get his Zanpakutou back." Toko suggested snaping his fingers.
"That's right Headmaster took it away from him. I know that we're not given a zanpakutou until 2nd gread but..." I trailed off my eyes glued to the black box that was begining to open.
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I know it's short but even i don't know what's in the box. Also i wanted to give a section of it from my perspective.
