
Hisa and Vathana were walking to there Kedo class.
"I'm so glad it's going to be a normal game with no weapons or special abilities added in." Hisa laughed.
"I'm not." Vathana grumbled crossing his arms and looking away.
It want quite between them for a few seconds then Hisa broke it.
"I wounder if we're going to be able to be on the same team?" She poundered looking down at the ground.
"Hisa LOOK OUT!" Vathana shouted.
But it was to late Hisa walked right into the door that was being opened.
"I am so sorry Hisa. I didn't see you there." Toko apologized offering her a hand.
"It's alright it doesn't even hurt." She stated taking Toko's hand.
"Some Goalie you're not even paying attention to where you're going." Vathana laughed.
"Hey I just said i'm a good goalie. It doesn't mean i have to act like one off the feild." she demanded.
"Toko, Vathana, Hisa, please take your seats we're about to begin class." Momo said in her usual sweet tone.
"Yes ma'am." They said in unison racing to there seats.
That's all i got for now.
