
Hisa slowly walked lazily though the halls not caring because it was lunch time and she really didn't feel like eating. She had a while before her next class. As she walked into the next hall she spotted Vathana leaning against the wall stairing off in the other direstion. She ran over to him.
"Hey why aren't you esting lunch?" She questioned suspiciously.
"I could ask you the same question Hisa." Vathana sighed not looking at her.
She blushed "Well... i didn't feel like it is all." She boldly stated.
"There you go i didn't feel like it either."
Silence fell between them. Foot steps broke there scilence and they both turned to see who it was.
"Kikyo! What's up?" Hisa chirpped.
"Not much." She said sheepishly.
"You seem tweaked. what's wrong?" Hisa asked.
"It's nothing really." Kikyo laughed.
Hisa snapped her fingers. "I got it!" She stated grabbing Kikyo's wrist and pulling her down the hall.
She stopped and ran back to Vathana.
She grabbed his wrist and drug him along too. "You're apart of this too."
"Great." He mumbled.
They went out to the feild where the headmaster put out. There was a soccer ball in the net.
"Someone must have been here already... oh well." Hisa said running to the net and grabbing the ball.
She punted it out to half feild. Vathana reacted and trapped the ball with his chest and settled it by stepping on the ball.
"Wow." Kikyo gasped in amzment. "That was cool."
"Okay we're going to teach you how to play soccer." Hisa shouted from the net.
"Umm?" Kikyo whispered.
Hisa ran back out to Vathana and Kikyo and placed a hand on her shoulder. Her hand was at about head level because Kikyo was taller then her.
"If you play with us the better you'll get. I promise." Hisa stated.
"... I don't know... I mean it's... I'm not sure?" Kikyo studdered.
"We can at least teach you the basics. Right Vathana?" Hisa suggested.
"Yea." Vathana sighed popping up the ball and juggling it with his knees and foot.
"SO what to you say Kikyo? Do you want us to teach you how to play soccer?" Hisa asked.
* * * * * * * * * * ** *
Go ahead and finish it.
