Kikyo's training day 1

Kikyo, Vathana, and Hisa were standing in the middle of the soccer field. Vathana stepping on the ball as the wind blew lightly across the field.
"So what are we going to start with?" Hisa questioned glancing at Vathana.
"...I don't care. This was your idea in the first place." He sighed running his fingers threw his hair.
*Sweat drop* "Thanks for the support." Hisa grumbled.
Silence fell between them again.
"Fondation." Vathana stated getting tired of waiting for Hisa to come up with an activity.
"That works." Hisa stated. "Seeing as how you said it you teach it to her.
"All you have to do is tap the ball back and forth between your feet as so." Vathana demonstrated quickly and easily passing the ball between his feet.
Then he passed the ball to Kikyo. She started slowly at first and stumbled over the ball but got the hang of it quit quickly. After a minuet Vathana told her to stop.
"Hisa your turn to pick something." He sighed.
"How about dribbling. That's one of the fundimentals of soccer." Hisa perked up.
"Alright." Kikyo chirpped.
"It took you long enogh to think of something." Vathana mumbled.
"What was that?" Hisa asked kind of mad and curious at the same time.
She did quite well at trapping.
"So all you have to do is tap the ball forward and follow once you get the hang of that we'll move on to passing and trapping." Hisa suggested.
Kikyo kicked the ball and it went five feet in front of her and she ran to get it.
"No; try and keep the ball close to your feet and move quickly don't slow down when you get to the ball." Hisa ordered as Kikyo kept dribbling.
She fell over the ball a few times because of how close it was to her feet. Kikyo looked back at them thinking that she would see them laughing at her for falling over the ball. But they were serious about training her. She showed a small smile.
"Kikyo I think you have the hang of dribbling now. Come back over here and Vathana will show you how to pass and dribble at the same time." Hisa stated cupping her hands around her mouth the make her voice carry.
"Coming." Kikyo said dribbling the ball back to the center of the feild and passing the ball to Hisa.
"Okay. Now this is really easy once you get the hang of it." Hisa chirpped. "I'm sure you'll pick it up quickly."
Vathana and Hisa seperated to the ends of the circle. Then they started down the feild with a quick pace and accuracy. And headed back up the field.
"You'll go twice once with me and once with Vathana. That sound fair enough?" Hisa questioned.
"Yep that's fine with me." Kikyo answered all ready to go.
"Get on the edge of the circle." Hisa demanded walking over to the opposite side of the circle.
Kikyo did what she was told and they went. Kikyo had to quicken her pace to keep up with both Vathana and Hisa.
Hisa looked up at the clock that was placed up on the wall of the school. They had about a half an hour left until there next class.
"Kikyo, Vathana we have a half an hour. We should finish up for today." Hisa shouted.
Hisa and Vathana showed Kikyo some straches that she colud do before she went to bed and in the morning before school. Then they headed back to the dorms so the could take some showers before their fighting tatics class.
* * * ** * * * ** * * * *
Tada The end of day one of training for Kikyo. ^-^
