Behind the Scenes of Suchi-ru!/ Another Twist!

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado 31! Shot of Red Fire!"

I fired a huge burning ball of fire into a bucket filled with water, on top of which floated the hallow mask. It dissintigrated, and the water evaporated, also putting out fire.

I fell back onto my bed. "I'm so going to perfect my Kidos really soon if this keeps going on!" I sighed. Niikashira appeared, sitting next to me in human form. "Will it ever end?" I asked to no one.

Depends. came the voice. What the! She was back faster than usual! I looked around, but the mask was still gone. Just so you know, I no longer need you carring that mask to be with you.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. I pulled my feet up to my chest in something close to a feetal position, covering my ears.

That's not going to help she said. I curled up tighter, my nails digging into my head. Niikashira was calling me. I didn't care.

Fine, be that way. I leave you alone... for now. her presence was still there, but she said no more. God, what was happening to me?
