Flash Step Continued

Raidon woke up early the next day. Groggy, he put on his now clean uniform and went to the glade where he was to learn Flash Step with Hisa and Toma. The sun was just sining faintly on the trees.
“I’ve gotta stop waking up so early…” Rai said to himself as he set down a cushion and sat on it. He light a candle with kido and started concentrating, performing Zen Lotus.
By the time Hisa and Toma got there, the candle was halfway gone.
Hisa looked at Raidon. “How long have you been up?” She asked, but Raidon didn’t answer.
“Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Earth to Raidon.” She said, waving her hand in front of Raidons face. Raidons eye twitched with slight anger and the candle began to flicker. Hisa was beginning to lose patience.
“ANSWER ME WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU!!!” She yelled, slapped Raidon on the forehead. The candle went out as he fell backwards.
“Umm, Hisa? There’s no need for violence.” Toma said, shaking her head.
“I’m just ignore that, answer your question, and then we start training, alright?” Raidon said, getting up from the ground with a red mark on his forehead. “I’ve been up since dawn.” He said calmly.
“How can you even stand to get up the early?!” Hisa asked.
“You’ve gotta be tired…” Toma said.
“No, it just natural. Now let’s start training!!!” Raidon said, moving his stuff out of the way.
“So let’s see how much you can do.” Toma said, sitting on the grass.
Great, Raidon thought, just when I got the uniform cleaned…
Raidon tried another Flash step like the other day, but it ended the same way.
“I see, first we need to test your reflexes.” Toma said. Hisa began to snicker. “I’m sorry about that, but he’s got the reflexes of a dead cat.”
“I do not!” Raidon said, glaring. “I’ll prove it to you!”
“Well, Flash Step is a good way to avoid unwanted injuries…”Toma said.
Raidon tossed a wooden sword to Hisa. “I’ve gotten better since last time.” He said, holding a wooden sword. Hisa, unenthused, said “We’ll see about that.” She charged at him, sword ready.
Raidon blocked the strike, but was then caught of guard by a foot to the face. “You were supposed to use Flash Step to get out of the way! Now try again!!” Hisa scolded.
“Raidon try concentrating your spiritual pressure under your feet.” Toma advised.
What have I gotten myself into… Raidon thought, getting ready to use Flash Step.
I'll continue this later.
