Flash Step Finale...+ a bonus!

"Prepare to die!" Hisa yelled at Rai, with A crazy look in her eye's.
Soh no, why did Toma ask that?! Raidon thought to himself. He knew that look in her eye's well. It meant she was gonna kill him. If it's a war she starts, it's a war I'll end... Raidon parried the sword strike, and then used Flash Step to get above Hisa.
"No more mercy!" Raidon yelled as he used Flash Step again to gain more speed for a cleave. Hisa, alarmed, tried to get out of the way, but but wasn't fast enough. Raidon came down at a tremendous speed. Hisa tried to dodge, but Raidon managed to cleave her hair-tie in half. A few strands of blonde as fell to the ground with the broken hair-tie as Hisa's hair fell to her shoulders.
"Wow, I that was amazing." Toma said, impressed.
"Game, set, match." Rai said, smirking as he put his wooden sword over his shoulder.
Hisa was staring at her broken hair-tie.
"Hisa, are you Ok?" Toma asked. Raion looked at Hisa and then began to back away.
"I'll get you a new one! I'll be right back!!" Raidon quickly said, using Flash Step to get to the Silver Dragonfly.
"Truth be told, I wasn't expecting that." Hisa said, looking at the small crater Rai made when he came down.
Raidon came back in no time, holding a new hair-tie for Hisa. "Here you go," he said, tossing it to her.
"Congrats," Toma said, "Looks like you finally mastered Flash Step."
"Yeah, thanks for the training!" Rai said, smiling broadly. "As thanks, here!" He was holding out two small bags. The girls openned them up and and pulled out some Kan.
"There's about 2,500 Kan in each bag, so enjoy!" Raidon said as he used Flash Step to head home.
"He doesn't have a bad thought about anyone does he..." Toma said, looking at Hisa.
"Well, he tends to be alittle to nice if you ask me." Hisa replied, put her hair back with her new hair-tie.
After the day was done, Rai headed back to his dorm. After getting in bed, he fell asleep quickly.
"Where am I?" Raidon asked as he walked thourgh a dark and misty place.
You are in my resting grounds A voice answered. "Show yourself!" Rai yelled looking around. I'm not your enemy, boy, The voice answered, I'm the one you need when the time comes...
"Who are you?" Raidon asked. A dark figure with wings came forth from the mist, but only a outline was visible. I'm-
Raidon woke up instantly. "Aw, crap! I slept in!!!" He yelled frantically as he got in his uniform and rushed to kido class. Who was that, Raidon thought to himself, and what did he mean 'when the time comes'?
At Hueco Mundo, an arrancar was looking thourgh a small portal, watching Raidon head thourgh the campus.
"He's showing some good potential." Aizen said.
"... he sure is..." The arrancar said quitely.
"Make sure when you see him, make him an offer he can't refuse." Aizen said sternly, walking away.
"When would that be?" The arrancar asked.
"During the Practice Hollows, of course. It's the time when he'll be outside the seiretei.."
The arrancar left Aizen's presence, walks thourgh the halls of Hueco Mundo.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't-" Gin said, coming down the hall.
"Shut up Gin, or I'll make sure you lose that grin of yours." The arrancar said, clenching his fist.
"Now don't hate me." Gin said, walking closer, "I'm just giving you some advice for your mission. If I where you, I'd mess with his friend to get his interest..."
"Gin, I'm the person you should be taking lightly. You know that." The arrancar said, glaring.
"It's only a suggestion," Gin said, walikng away. "But I will tell you this: You better not rebel against us Taichi."

Cliff-hanger, duh-duh-duun.
