Strange feeling

I got up early again today. I don't know why i've been doing a lot of things different since I obtained Tanaka. With the Rai's training yesturday I'm not sure why it ended so quickly. Maybe i was tired. I know i'm skilled in hand to hand combat but i've always been beter than what happened that for sword play. Then i remembered that we still had to finish up with the hand to hand combat training today. Four of us out of the class today wouldn't be fighting. as I was thinking I didn't realize that I was infront of Momo's room. I decided to knock to see if anyone was in.
"Who is it." I herd Momo sensie ask.
"It's Hisa Yuki." I replied
"It's not even time for class yet Hisa." She answered opening the class room door.
"I know but can I a talk you about something?" I asked a bit nervous.
"Of course come in." She satid sweetly walking into the room. "So what is it you would like to talk about?"
"It's about our Hollow training that's coming up soon." I started.
"If you're afraid don't worry you'll be safe they are just robotic hollows." Momo replied sitting down.
"No it's not that. I've been have strange dreams lately. Like I'm seeing into the future or something. And I have a feeling something bad is going to happen." I stated this being the first time I've told anyone about this.
"Hisa it's possibily your mind just playing tricks on you. You'll be just fine. You're a very talented girl." she said.
Other students started coming in.
"Don't let it bother you Hisa." Momo finished getting up and walking to the door to greet the students.
'No i have a bad feeling about it. And it has something to do with Rai.' I thought standing there. 'I'll just have to pray that i'm in his group for the Hollow training. Which shouldn't be too hard i am and upper classmen.'I thought sitting down in my seat.
The bell rang and I had that strange feeling again. Then everything went black for a second. I knew i was still sitting there but it felt like my mind was being drug to some other place.
"Hisa." I herd Tanaka call out bringing me back to reality.
I glanced over to the door and a second later Rai ran into the room.
"I am so sorry i'm late Sensei." He panted bowing.
"Please take your seat Raidon." Momo sighed.
"Yes Ma'am." He replied sitting down in the back of the room.
Then Momo started teaching.
* * * * * ** ** ** *
That's all i can think of right now.
