The gangs all here... oh the joy!

After Class was over Rai and I started heading to our next class. Considering he was new I decided to show him to the classes. (I already showed Akane so she had to stay backing class) As we were walking to the next class which was tada combat class for three god for sakin’ hours. To day was going to be a long day.
“Hisa, Raidon, hold up for a second.” We herd Bara sensei call out behind us.
“Yes Sir.” We answered in unison turning around.
“Can you escort our new student around for the day. He says he knows you two.” He asked.
We looked at each other.
“Please don’t tell me who I think it is?” Rai stated.
“I really don’t want to know.” I replied as we turned back to look at Bara sensei.
“HI guys!!!” Hiroshi waved. “Oh look a fly.” He stared at it idiotically.
A dark cloud formed over Rai and I “We should have known…” We said in unison.
“Thank you for escorting him around.” Bara sensei said walking away.
“WAIT WE NEVER ANSWERED!!!!!” Rai shouted.
“Kill me now. My life is over.” I whispered.
“Come on guys aren’t you happy to see me?” He asked.
“NO!!” We shouted in unison.
“Hey guys sorry for… taking…” Akane stopped staring at Hiroshi.
“AKANE!!!” He shouted happily going to hug her.
“NO!” Akanke shouted punching him in the face.
Hiro started rubbing his nose “Now that wasn’t very nice all I wanted to do was say hi.” He sobbed.
“Hi my A**. Go say Hi to Hisa.” She stated.
“No she’s going to kill me if I do.” Hiro said.
“So what do you say you kill him and I will hide the body?” Rai whispered.
“Good plan. If you want to get kicked out.” Hisa whispered back.
“What are we talking about?” Hiro asked.
Sigh “nothing lets just get to combat class.” I groaned.
So all four of us walked into class. And we saw Ikkaku and Ichigo standing in the front of the room.
Hiro ran up to the front of the room.
“NO HIRO.” Akane shouted.
“Too late.” I stated.
He was already up there next to Ikkaku and Ichigo. “Show me your Bankai Q ball.”
“What did you just say? I didn’t quite here it.” Ikkaku asked with his evil smile. With an intent to kill him.
Rai stood there smirking Akane turned around giving up on him all together. So I decided to save him from being decapitated.
“Sorry Ikkaku sensei, he’s new here. I’ll keep him in line.” I stated grabbing his neck and dragging him down to my level.
I drug him away from the front of the class and slammed him down in a chair.
“don’t move, don’t speak, don’t even breath until I tell you to.” I ordered.
Hiro’s face started turning purple.
“Breath damn you!” I shouted smacking him across the face.
Rai was on the floor laughing, trying to breath he was laughing so hard.
“Don’t make me slap you to Rai.” I shouted across the room.
“Yes ma’am.” He said trying to breath.
“Can I have control of the class again?” Ikkaku asked as the class was in an up roar.
We quieted down immediately.
“The floor is yours Q ball.” Hiro smirked leaning down in his chair and placing his feet on the desk top.
“Sensei can I beat some sense into him?” Rai asked raising his hand.
“You and Hiro can go first for combat training today then.” Ichigo stated trying not to laugh about the Q ball comment.
“Very well Rai and Hiro please come up front.” Ikkaku ordered motioning them up to the front.
* * * * * ** ** * * * * * ** * **
Yea that is actually his personality. He is very sarcastic. you will see that in my comic Wacked Out Adventures Of Friends.
And that's all i have for now i'm sure the three of them will come up with somehting else.
