The Fight

Raidon and Hiro walked to the front of the room and turned towards each other.
“I’m not going to go easy on you, Hiro.” Rai said sternly.
“Nether am I… what are we doing up here again?” Hiro replied.
“It’s combat training, genius!!!” Rai yelled at him, losing his temper.
“Thank you, I know I’m the next Einstein!” Hiro said, smiling.
Raidon finally lost his temper. “My mind is made up, YOU MUST DIE!!!” Rai yelled as he charged forward. Hiro sidestepped and swung at Ria’s back, but he ducked low and went for a uppercut. Akane and Hisa were trying to decide who would win.
“Raidons dead.” Akane said to Hisa.
Hisa nodded in agreement.
Rai and Hiro continued dodging and blocking each others attacks. The fight seemed to go on for ages. Finally Hiro got distacted by a gleam from Ikkaku’s head.
“Hey, cueball! Wear a hat!” He said loudly, turning torwads him. An evil gleam came from Ikkaku’s eyes.
“Don’t turn your back on the opponent!” Rai shouted as he nailed Hiroshi in the face with a spinning back kick. Hiro was sent spinning and fell to the ground.
“Hiro lost…” Akane said to herself, then turned to Hisa. “Well, that takes care of that problem!” She said, smiling. Hiro and Raidon made their way back to their seats.
“Hiro, don’t get distracted. You could of knocked him clean out!!!” Hisa scolded him.
After combat class was over, the group headed outside.
“Raidon, that match did not count!!!” Hiro finally yelled, pointing at Rai.
“You’re fault. You got distracted.” Rai replied.
“Well, you owe me!!!” He shouted in Rai’s face, grabbing his necklace.
‘Give that back. Now.” Rai demanded coldly.
“Never!!” Hiro started to run away. But Hisa blocked the way.
“Give it back. Or I’ll kick your sorry a**” She stated, and Hiro backed away slowly.
“Fine, I’ve gotta other ways for revenge.” Hiro tossed the necklace back and pulled out a voodoo doll of Raidon as Rai was putting the necklace back on. Hiro used some kido to light the dolls foot on fire and Rai’s foot burst into flames.
“AAHHHHH!!!” Rai quickly grabbed the doll and put the fire out on both of them.
“Satified?” He asked.
“Yep” And Hiro walked away looking for something to do.

I’m working on the Hollow fight now, but it wont happen until after the soccer tourney.
