Saving a Friend

Gaaah, this sucks... Rai thought to himself, feeling helpless. I can't do anything to help... Suchi was becoming hollowfied and Ulquiorra was starting to get serious.
Hollow Suchi screamed at the top of her lungs and swung the whip again. Ulquiorra barely dodged the swing, but the whip continued its swing, going rapidly at Raidon. He rolled out of the way before getting burned to a crisp.
What do I do?!! Rai yelled in his head.
You need help...? A voice asked in the back of Rai's head.
...I'm not in the mood to deal with y- Rai was repling to the voice, but had to dodging the next swing. ...Yes, I NEED HELP!!! He answered.
"Come on, espada!!!" Hollow Suchi roared. "I just wanna rip your limbs off!!"
Not a good situation if you ask me. The voice said.
ARE YOU GONNA HELP ME OR NOT?! Rai yelled in his head. He dodged another flying swing.
Fine. You need a Grand Arcana...
A grand what-a??? Rai asked in his head. He ducked from another missed swing.
It's a long lost technique that I can use. It consists of 6 main elements and-
Don't go in detail. Rai answered, losing patience. Besides, how do I know if I can trust you?
Just do as I say. Unless you want to lose your friend.
Then let me take over for a while.
But what if you-
Just trust me or you'll lose your friend.
Hollow Suchi was starting to go wild. Ulquiorra was about to charge a Cero.
Fine! Do what you need to do, but I want control when this is over! Rai let go of his mental control and allowed himself to drift in his mind. The mysterious figur took over Raidon's body as his eye's turned gray and the pupil's slit. He put away his training zanpakuto, which caused Ulquiorra and Hollow Suchi to stop attacking, in wonder. "Hey kid," Hollow Suchi said coldly, "If you think you can step in and stop us, your crazy."
An ancient yellow rune appeared under Possessed Raidon. He felt Ulquiorra's eye's close on him. "It's been awhile since I was around, but I'm still as good as I ever was." Possessed Raidon said, cracking his neck. "Now, prepare to die." The rune got larger as spiritual pressure began to rise dramatically.
Ulquiorra began to back away slowly and Hollow Suchi became more restless. "Kid, if you're gonna try something big, do it now or I'll burn you to a crisp!!!" Hollow Suchi swung the whip at Possessed Raidon, but it struck a yellow orb of spritual pressure that rose out of the rune.
"Hark, lighting that rides between the ashen depths." P. Rai began to say. Multple orbs rose out of thr rune and began to fly around wildly. "Descend down as a storm upon my foe." The orbs began to concentrate at a point between H. Suchi and Ulquiorra. A force began to pull everthing into a black hole that began to form. Raidon started to gain control of his body again and rushed forward and grabed H. Suchi's arm so she wouldn't be pulled in. The mask began to crumble as gravity towards the hole intensified. Ulquiorra was near the middle of the black hoe when gravity stopped and turned to electricity. "Gravity Blessing!" P. Raidon said and gave Raidon control of his body again. The electricity exploded, leaving a huge crater where it happened.
Thanks, you saved our skins.
No problem. The voice said. I'm just glad not being a spirit for a little bit.
Wait, then that means you're a-!? The voice didn't answer. "Hey Suchi, are you ok?" Rai asked. The hollow mask was gone.
"Yeah, thanks for the help." She said. The smoke began to clear and Ulquiorra was tanding in the middle of the crater. He was badly injured, but he could still move. He began to make sure everything was intact.
"What?! I could've sworn that killed him!!" Rai yelled in disbelief.
"Well, I won't die that easily..." Ulquiorra said coldly, looking at Raidon with an amused emo look.

That's all I got for now... I've got writers block/Typer's block/whatever you wanna call it. XP
