The Necklace

Suchi and Rai were in defensive stances as Mayuri walked towards them. Rai rushed in an attacked but Mayuri blocked it.
"Well, aren't you agressive." Mayuri said, looking more interested. Rai quickly backed off.
Well, look what the cat dragged in... The voice sighed in Raidons head.
Shut up or help. Thats all I'm gonna say. Rai answered, annoyed.
Use your necklace.
Just do as I say. The voice said and gave Raidon instructions. Rai took off his necjlace and began to spin it on it's chain.
"Roar into the dark abyss, Kurairyuujin!!!" The necklace began to emit a dark aura. When Rai stopped spinning the necklace, he was holding a demonic halberd in his hands. Mayuri stared in awe.
"Well, if it isnt Taichi Takumi's zanpakuto..." Mayuri said. "Well, I'll just leave you be... for now..." Mayuri and Nemu left. Interestng... Mayuri thought, If thats Taichi's zanpakuto, then I should keep an eye on that boy.
The halberd turned back into a necklace and Raidon put it back on.
"Why didn't you use that against Ulquiorra?" Suchi asked, after she was sure Mayuri was gone.
"Truth be told, I never knew it could do that..."
In hueco Mundo, Taichi was looking in a portal to see what was going on at the Shinigami academy. He turned and left his room to see Aizen.
"Lord Aizen." Taichi said, kneeling in his presseance. "Please let me do my mission know instead of waiting for him to come out of the seiretei."
"Do as you please, but I'm sending Ulquiorra to make sure you do your job."
The arrancar was heading to open a portal to the seiretei when he passed Gin.
"Well, what's with the sudden change of heart? Could it be you want to save his soul?"
"Shut up, Gin." Taichi almost yelled at him. "I just want my original zanpakuto back and for him to join us." And he left, with an evil grimace on his face.


Well, that's all I got for now... I'll continue this later.
