The Power of the Plume

Rai and the arrancar stared at each other, waitning for the other to make a move.
Who is this guy, and why does he have a full hollow mask?! Rai thought to himself. The arrancar made the first move and aimmed for the vein in Rai's neck. He dodged, but the necklace chain was broken and the arrancar grabbed it.
"Hello, old friend..." The arrancar said, and the ground seemed to tremble. Rai pulled out his training zanpakuto.
"Give that back now and I won't slice ya in two." He said, smirking. The arrancar just looked back at Raidon with pity and hate. a chill went down Rai's spine. He rushed in for an attack, but got blocked by the arrancars blade. Rai noticed that the necklace was now a keychain on the arrancar's blade, the gem missing between the dragon's wings. Rai used Flash Step to get away quickly and get above the arrancar. He used the same cleave as he used on Hisa, and sliced the arrancar's mask. The pieces fell to the ground as the mask turned to dust completely.
"Time to die!!!" Rai yelled triumphantally, going for the final strike, but stopped the moment he saw the arrancar's face. I was a splitting image of an older Raidon.
"D... dad...?"
"Roar into the dark aybss, Kurairyuujin!" Taichi released his zanpakuto, and then the halberd impaled Raidon. Rai coughed up blood and grabbed hold of the halberd. Tears were falling down his face as he looked his father straight in the eye.
"W... why... dad...... how could you do this...?" Rai asked, his voice full of sorrow. Taichi pulled out Kurairyuujn and Rai fell backwards to the ground. Suchi couldn't move, she was frozen in shock. Ulquiorra and Taichi walked towards Raidon, stepping in the blood that was pooling around him. A tear fell from Taichi's eye.
"Lets go, the deed is done." He said, openning the portal and walking thourgh. Ulqiorra followed and they were gone. A lone black feather fell from the sky and landed on Raidon.
Raidon saw the world turn dark. He heard someone walking towards him. He couldn't move or anything.
"Killed before his soul knew peace, clutching a bloodless blade..." The person said, shaking his head. Raidon started to see the person wasn't human. While the face looked human, the person was wearing some weird robes with chains. He couldn't tell if the person was a friend of a foe. Then he noticed the wings. One seemed as if the devil possessed him, but the other one was an angels. He bent over and aved his hand over Raidon's face. Rai felt his eye's twitch. The fallen angel remained silent.
"... You've still got some life left in you..." he said standng up. "Tell me now, do you want to live?" Rai had enough strength to nod. The person pulled a white feather from his robes and and kneeled.
"Feather over the battlefield, unto me thy power yield." He said calmly and Rai's wounds began to close up. Rai finally sat up and cracked his neck. Looking at the feather, he noticed it started to turn black.
"So we finally meet in person." Rai said. The angel didn't listen, he was to busy mumbling to himself. Rai got up and started to walk away.
"You needed a weapon." The angel said walking towards him. "Please let me serve you."
"... are you afraid to die?"
"I've wanted death many times... but it never came..."
"Can I ask why?"
The angel stopped. "The Destny Plume. A force of darkness that always brings victory... at the cost of someone dear... I've wrought too much sin, I can never repent. I go to battle t die, but the plume forces victory time and time again. I've been wanting someone to wield the plume, but all have turned me away... no one wants a blade wrought by sin, even though it was not my doing..."
"I will. I don't care if I die aain, but I needed answers. You can come with me, but can you tell me your name?"
The angel smirked. "Akumamitsukai." He said as his body turned into reishi and began to form a zanpakuto. The grip with black and dark crimson, yet the blade seemed to gleam even though there was no light.
As the world came back into focus, Raidon yelled at the top of his lungs when he realized he was alive. The feather that fell turned into a zanpakuto. He picked t up, and just as he was about to walk away, Suchi and Captain Unohana ushed in as he was walking away. Suchi looked as if her life flashed before her eye's.
"I'm in trouble for breaking the laws of life, aren't I?" Rai said with a lauh as he ut Akumamitsukai into it steath.

I just realized how much I typed for this...o_O Oh well. I'm working on pictures for Kurairyujin and Akumamitsukai. When they're done I'll post them.
