We all felt the huge Reiatsu signature leave Hueco Mundo, and I slowly turned and looked back to somewhere far off.
Harribel slashed and I slashed too, but my Reiatsu flickered.
"Your losing it, did someone on your side get injured?" She asked.
"Shut it...!" I slashed and knocked her away.
"Dammit!" I slashed again and a shockwave erupted off, but in the opposite direction, part of a dimensional rift opened up, and I clashed with Harribel again, but I was trying to get back to the portal.
"Your focus is here, not there, you started this, you have to end it," Harribel said pushing me back.
Suddenly Kirei appeared and clashed with Harribel alongside me, and pushed her back.
"Kirei?" I asked. She nodded to me.
"Just to snap you both out of it, Vathana, your battle is here, I know you want to go back, but leave it to me, and whoever wants to go back to help out, " Kirei said, her resolve shone brightly in her eyes.
"...Alright, just be careful," I said.
"I will, don't worry I'll still return to your side," She said leanign in close to me.
My eyes widened, and we kissed!
"I promise I'll come back, with everyone else, I'll protect them as much as you do," She said smiling and holding my hand, energy glowed, and I smirked a bit, still red in the face.
"Alright, that's a deal, I promise to lead everyone to safety, I will live too, for you...Kirei," I said.
"For each other!" We both shot pass one anothe,r I clashed with Harribel, and Kirei shot into the portal.
Anyone else going back with her go for it, don't worry she can hold her own in combat...
Anyways yeah, that's all I got for now.